Well getting very near opening night of Canned Laughter in Kirkcaldy. It's billed as 'World Premier'. I love that. However technically it is. Never been seen anywhere else. And when it's made into a film......Kirkcaldy Adam Smith centre will say we had the world premier......I can but dream. Anyway all is well in the land of CL. I struggled with my line learning for about a week, as I always do but its getting there. The guys are great and we all feel as if we have something a bit special. But when you are as close to something as I am it's difficult to tell. Ed Curtis is doing a wonderful directing job. He really knows his stuff. He knows what you are thinking before you do....bastard. Difficult to bluff him. In fact impossible. I've been having a quiet life though as most nights I go home and learn my lines. But loving it. Its very exciting. Anyway this time next week is press night so we'll know soon enough what the critics think about it. I know a couple who will not like no matter what we do. No names. Ok I'm not working tonight I'm going out for dinner and two whiskey and cokes.....no more just two. bye
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